Friday, January 15, 2010

Weekly Byte 1.15.10

Good day!

Many people make New Year's resolutions at this time of year, lose weight, stop drinking pop, cutting out sweets, whatever. Last year at this time I shared some of these technology resolutions with you. I thought this would be a good time to offer some things to think about as it pertains to resolutions in your classroom.

Technology Resolutions
1. Take a look at your class from the students' perspective--ask yourself just how engaging are they really finding it?
2. Recognize that technology tools change on a daily basis. Make an effort to find the tools that work for you.
3. You don't have to remake yourself as a teacher, but you do need to consider how incorporating some new tools and resources could make your classes better for the students. Show them that you're willing to make a move in their direction by adding a new dimension to one of your lessons.
4. Find someone you trust who has a tech tool they like and sit in on their class to see how they use it.
5. Start small. Think of one task or one assignment that could easily be given a 21st century makeover. Get help to find a tool that will work and that you can manage.
6. Suck it up and try it out--make the necessary arrangements and find a tech-savvy person who will co-teach the lesson if you can.
7. You are right to assume that things will go wrong--have a back-up plan ready--you may need it. Know that you have been teaching long enough to handle a quick change-up if you need to.
8. Trust the kids--they'll help you with the technology--that's what they're good at.

Know that I am here to help you!

Ed Tech Article of the Week
This is an interesting article on the impact of whiteboards on education.

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