Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekly Byte 3.7.10

What a beautiful day! I had the opportunity to enjoy a few things this weekend. #1 the Promethean Conference at Keystone Oaks High School and #2 the Pittsburgh Zoo with my family. This is a nice break from the bad weather we have been having. The Promethean Conference was a great opportunity to see a variety of sessions on using ActivInspire in the classroom. I enjoyed the day with Kristin, Dottie, Gaye, and Carolyn. Take a moment to speak with one of them to see if they have brought back any new tips/tricks for using their boards in the classroom. A special thanks to them for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend and for having a nice lunch together. Way to go ladies!

Promethean Conference
Here are some resources shared at the conference this weekend.
My first recommendation is to become a member of Promethean Planet and gain access to a wealth of resources. Why create flipcharts from scratch when you can download them for free at the Planet?
I would also recommend that you go to the Promethean Planet page and go under "Forums" then "Hot Topics" and you will find the resources shared at this conference. The title of the forum posts, ActivPennsylvania Promethean Educators Conference.

Video of the Week
Some of you have seen this video and there are many versions out there. I just thought this was a good time to share it with you once again.
Shift Happens

Upcoming Workshops
What Moodle Can Do For You March 9 2:30-3:30
ActivInspire March 23 2:30-3:00

Quote of the Day
I have been reading Linchpin by Seth Godin. Godin is an award winning author and blogger. He specializes in business/marketing and how the world of work is changing and what we need to do to compete. While reading the quote keep in mind that we are preparing our students to compete in this new economy.

"It turns out that success is coming from the atypical organizations, the ones that can get back to embracing irreplacable people, the linchpins, the ones that make a difference. Anything else can be replicated cheaper by someone else."

What implications does this have for our students?
If this is true how should we change how we educate them in our classrooms?

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