Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weekly Byte 4.6.10

We have almost made it! 4.5 weeks left and it cannot come too soon for me. I am looking forward to spending the summer outside with the boys.

Site of the Week
This week I have a really cool site for everyone. If you check out any of the resources I share here at the Revolution please take 5 minutes and check this one out. This site is called Mashpedia. This is a great research tool. Once you get to the site you can type a topic into the search block or you can choose one of the topics they have on the page. I typed in gulf oil spill. It takes you to a page of links. I clicked on the first link and Mashpedia provided a mashup of several sources and their reports on the gulf oil spill. It return you tube videos of the oil spill, some general information about the spill with links to other sources (like wikipedia), Digg resources shared by other people, Twitter posts about the oil spill, Flickr photos shared about the spill, related news articles, images, blog posts about the spill, and even books written about oil spills.
I know this may sound confusing to some of you but you have to check it out. It makes your search easier by giving you all the different types of resources about a topic on one page. It basically builds you a webpage about the oil spill or any topic you enter. Unlike a Google search which gives you a ton of links that may or may not have to do with your query.

Thought of the Day
The 44 cent Solution, check out this story on Dan Pink's May 4th blog post. Something to think about in how you do your job.

Thanks for your support and have a great weekend!

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